This time, Healthy Course Today will give you an important information about EGGS. Are eggs good for you, especially who doing the diet? This is a very common question we get because organizations like the American Heart Association has really demonized eggs for many years. They told people to stay away from them (eggs). So, to throw away that myth, we have to know what is the nutrient that contains in the egg.
Found in eggs and then we'll talk about a couple of the details that you need to know. And at the end of this post, I'm going to give you one of the major details that you must know about eggs because it may apply to you.
First, start with the nutrient profile of the egg. So, when you look at an egg, what you're gonna find in there is, first of all, it has 77 calories, okay? This is very important for someone who's counting calories maybe on the ketogenic diet watching you know, how their food breakdowns are so 77 calories.
Egg Nutrition Fact
It's rich in vitamins A, B, and D. It's also rich in antioxidants. It specifically lutein and zeaxanthin which are very important for eye health. These antioxidants have been proven to reduce macular degeneration and also reduce cataracts that people are getting as they age. High in antioxidants, it's also high in choline.
Choline is very important for neurological health, brain health, so it's really great that is high in choline. And then, it also has a high amount of protein and good quality fats in it. As a matter of fact, the protein in the egg is about 6 grams and it's in an amino acid profile. That's considered to be one of the most perfect profiles for the human body.
High in fats which is you know really great if you're someone who is looking to support brain health and neurological health and all areas of your health. So, the egg is going to support us and building muscle, it's going to support in neurological health, is going to support in eye health, and it also has different vitamins in there.
When we look at the egg in its entirety what we essentially see above is that it is very very rich in nutrients and it is a high-quality food. Let's go ahead and talk about some of the other details that we must know.
Can we lose weight with eating egg only?
First of all, weight loss. so the reason that eggs support weight loss is that eggs are a high satiety food. The reason they're a high satiety food is because they have fats, they have proteins, and they have carbohydrates. And when you look at the egg it's a very well-rounded meal and it really nourishes the body.
So, as you eat something that nourishes the body well, essentially you become full and you don't crave other food. So anyway, it supports weight loss in that way and there's many studies out there that show people who ate eggs in the morning versus other foods, they were able to lose weight.
How to determine the low and high quality of egg?
A high quality egg, you'll crack in the pan, it'll have a dark yellow yolk, it'll also be much thicker. The low quality egg will have a very light yellow yolk and when you crack in the pan, it'll just disperse in the pan almost like water. And so that's one of the ways you can really tell the difference.
Now an organic pasture-raised egg is more expensive than others, so what I recommend if you don't want to spend the extra money to buy organic and pasteurized, then you just find a local farmer that you can get some eggs off of them because their chances are is that they are raising them well in that they are gonna be good quality eggs.
If you can't buy organic pasture-raised eggs, at least find the local farmer to get them from. Now the other thing that we need to discuss about eggs is that many people say that they cause heart disease. And so you know I'm not going to discuss this in a lot of detail, I'm just gonna say that there's been no studies that correlate eggs consuming eggs and heart disease. There is also no studies that correlate eating eggs in cholesterol going up.
Be Aware, Eggs can make an IgE reaction
Now. the last thing I'm gonna mention here is beware of this. And what I'm talking about is be aware of eggs. Then, what happens with eggs is, clinically we see eggs to be one of those foods that people are very sensitive to, and so let me break this down a little bit.
There's an IGE reaction, is one of those reactions like a peanut allergy. You eat some peanuts, your throat closes up, and it's a bad deal, you run to the hospital, right?
An IGE reaction is a food sensitivity. This reaction is much more subtle, it'll come in ways of robbing you of your energy, making you feel very lethargic, it'll also come in the way of causing you to have bad diarrhea, and stomach cramps, okay?
So, many people are eating eggs and running to the bathroom and saying well I have irritable bowel syndrome and I don't know why. But it happens to be that maybe they ate the egg alone, but also eggs are found in many different foods and many different products.
We really have to be aware of that. And so if you're someone who eats eggs and you notice any type of sensitivity reactions just be aware that you probably need to just cut them on your diet for a period of time and then you can introduce them back in slowly.
Conclusion about egg can be killer solution for weight loss
So overall when we look at this whole topic of eggs, eggs are very very high quality food to eat, especially if you're falling late the ketogenic diet. They're very powerful. so make sure that you're incorporating some eggs in your diet unless you are sensitive.
I think that is all I know about the correlation between Eggs and Weight Loss. Don't forget to share this post on your social media, and if you have any questions post in the comment section below. don't forget to subscribe your email. I would greatly appreciate that, and then check out the other post I've done here. You'll really love them and I'll see you in the next article. Okay?