You Will No Need Weight Loss Surgery Anymore

July 15, 2019

We all want to lose fat and stay healthy. But with all these diet pills and plans, what does science have to say about weight loss tips? Let's get the obvious out of the way first.

Doing Exercise 

Not only does the physical active exercise burn calories immediately scientist recently found that it continues to burn fat while you sleep. During exercise, your body uses up most of its available carbohydrates for energy and replaces them over the next hours. 

In the meantime, it begins to break down your fat storage for basic functions such as walking, talking and even sleeping. Don't skip meals. Especially breakfast. We've explained in our last video the science behind appetite. 

When you starve yourself, your body and brain create intense urges to eat high-calorie foods as opposed to healthy options. Breakfast specifically helps to keep blood sugar and hormone levels regular and gives your metabolism a boost to burn more calories through the day. 

Adding Protein and Low-Fat Dairy

Adding more protein and low-fat dairy to your diet helps as well. Protein induces a large release of the chemical PYY, which goes to the brain and suppresses hunger signals. Simply adding % more protein to your food can keep you full much longer. 

Low-fat dairy, on the other hand, contains calcium which binds to other fats you've eaten and creates a soup-like substance which can't be absorbed. Instead, your body excretes this soup and with it more of the fat you've consumed. 

Try Soup For Your Diet

Speaking of soup, it's perhaps one of the best-kept diet secrets. When you drink a glass of water with your meal, the fluid is easily absorbed before your food is digested which quickly brings down the stomach size making you feel hungry. Take that same meal and puree it in a blender and the fluids have a much harder time being absorbed quickly this means your stomach stays expanded, making you feel full for longer. 

Count your calories

Studies show that people who actively document their food intake by using a journal have drastic improvements over those who don't. Furthermore, knowing a coffee has calories but a cappuccino has, gives you the opportunity to structure your diet to eat more while taking fewer calories. 

And while it may seem trivial, reducing your plate size can drastically change your food intake. Studies show that a simple change from to inches can reduce the amount of food you eat by up to %. Our bodies have a hard time turning down food in front of us even when we're full. 

So the less food on your plate the better. Finally, sleep and stress play a large factor in how much we eat. Both sleep deprivation and stress levels increase appetite, making it harder to keep off the pounds. 

Got a burning question you want to be answered? Ask it in the comments or on Facebook and Twitter.

That's Why We Should Worry About Air Pollution

October 25, 2018

Unbeknownst to most people, air pollution is one of the major public health risks globally. Even in countries within Europe, where air quality is improved significantly. It is a day-to-day problem in many urban centers. And this is something that people only really realize when they see bulletins on the news, and there's a major smog at the South going on. But we have to get across the message that this happens every day, day in, day out.

This isn't a problem which is confined to Western countries. In fact, it's a problem that Western countries have been struggling with for many many years, but across the world. Now other cities as they develop and become megacities have got bigger and bigger problems with air quality. Polluted air problem is now visible and people can see this is a big problem.

Air Pollution In London

China's air pollution is in very dangerous level
Thinking back to London in the 1950s, we could see air pollution then and we've improved things an awful lot since then. There's a lot convert that can be learned in London, elsewhere in the world.  Collaborative research between countries in the in Europe in the UK for example, and also in Asia, is very important for a number of reasons. 

Every city and country has its own unique characteristics. We have to understand these to be able to conduct effective research. But also, London has a lot to give to the rest of the world in terms of experience.

London Air Pollution History Make Benefits

We've been struggling with air pollution problems for many many years. And we can give this experience, the benefit of this experience to other countries like Delhi, Hong Kong, Beijing, who are now just coming to terms that they need to do something about this air pollution issue.

The levels of air pollution that we breathe every day depends on where we are and what we're doing, but also what the weather's like. So within a city, most of the pollution comes from cars. So the closer you are to roads, the higher levels of pollution you'll be breathing. But then there are industrial sources and even farming has sources of air pollution.

Weather Impact on Air Pollution

The weather also has a very big impact on how the pollution disperses once it's been emitted from those sources. And this is why some cities have more problems than others. Not necessarily how much pollution they create, but that how that pollution is blown away into the surrounding countryside.

Health Effects of Air Pollution on Humans

Getting across the risks of air pollution can be quite challenging because it's something that's invisible. Both in terms of the actual risk itself, but also in the harm. It's not like being run over by a car. So we need to look very carefully at what health impacts are caused by air pollution and what is caused by other factors such as smoking or nutrition. But we do know with increasing evidence and certainty that air pollution affects your cardiovascular system and a heart attack.

Polluted air affects your respiratory system and there are also thoughts that it may affect cognitive function and how we think and how we age. And all of these effects accumulative over a lifetime. It's very important when you're looking at the health impacts of air pollution to try and understand what is actually driving those health effects.

Outdoor Air Quality Monitoring System

Today we have some a network of monitors throughout London which on a day to day basis record air pollution levels of a wide variety of sorts. The monitors let us know whether air pollution is getting better or worse. And whether particularly interventions to improve a mission, such as cleaner buses, or low emission zones are having an impact.

But we're really interested in the personal health of people. And new technology these days allows us to give individuals air pollution monitors to see what they're actually breathing and how this affects their health on a day-to-day basis.

We're relatively lucky in London that we have some monitoring sites which have a very complex set of equipment such as Melbourne Road. This allows us to really understand in detail what's going on in the atmosphere.

This is important to monitor over a long period of time because of the impacts of the weather and other ways that we try and improve air quality. And we have different types of equipment which tell us all about the composition of pollution in the atmosphere. Some of these are gases, some of these are particles of different size and different compositions. And this allows us to separate out all the different kinds of pollution in the city. 

We've just started some very exciting research where for the first time we can give members of the public who suffer from respiratory disease. Their own personal pollution monitor for a very long period of time up to six months. When we record every minute their whole environment and the aim here is to understand what it is that they're doing whether they're cooking, whether they're out traveling on a bus or in a car, and relate those activities to their respiratory health. And then we can provide them with advice and everyone else with advice on how to reduce their risk.

The underlying aim of all of our research is to improve public health and like all other public health risks we need to engage with people and change behavior in some way. Or at least make policies more acceptable to them when politicians propose them.

Polluted Air Monitoring Device As a Warner

So, getting across this kind of information about air quality on a day-to-day and a year-to-year basis, in a way that the public can understand is extremely important. And a lot of our monitors and our activities, try and achieve this and even give warning to people when we think there's going to be a major pollution episode. So they can prepare for that.

The other aspect of it is actually providing strong robust evidence of the health impacts of air pollution. On individuals and that may be people with existing to get a disease like heart disease, or respiratory disease, or maybe young people ( other vulnerable people ). And to be able to identify what the cause of air pollution is amongst all of the other things that they do in their everyday lives is what we need this very detailed personal information form.

Much of the research on air pollution around the world focus on outdoor air quality which is extremely important. We've course spent much of our time indoors as well. By giving people a monitor of their own we can see as they move indoors and outdoors and go about their lives. How important, sources endure of air pollution are relative to sources of air pollution outdoor for instance cooking, or stoves, or heating.

But this is especially important in some developing countries where they're still using solid fuel for cooking. And this is a major global health risk and something that really has to be tackled across these countries as more and more people move to cities. And they become more and more densely populated buildings are getting taller and taller, and people are living higher and higher above the ground.

We have research ongoing in Hong Kong which is renowned as a vertical city. Looking at how pollution levels disperse as you move upwards. People live well above the street in those areas and we want to understand how pollution enters their homes and affects their health, even though they're way up in the sky.

One of the challenges of air pollution is a public health risk, is that it's not necessarily the people who are creating the pollution. That are the ones that are suffering the harmful effects of it.

Over the last five years or so, the awareness of air pollution issues in the UK has become much higher. there's a much greater public interest in this as a subject. Consequently, the politicians have become more aware of it and now making serious commitment to try and improve air quality.

This is something that needs to be reflected around the world in different countries and it's something that the public needs to demand improved air quality is important to their health.

Conclusion for This Air Pollution Problem

Air pollution in many ways is a complex subject area, but the basics of it are quite simple. If you're aware of the sources of pollution in your neighborhood then you know how to avoid them. For example traffic on your commute to work, you can avoid those busiest roads if you're cycling or walk. And walk down quieter, safer and more pleasant routes. 

There are now tools increasingly coming out around the world where people can look and see a forecast of air quality. So they can take action, an action such as carrying their inhaler if they have asthma or other respiratory problems.

However, avoiding air pollution isn't going to solve the problem. And there are actions that we can also take. Choices we could make to improve air quality. 

For example what car you decide to purchase, what fuel type it is whether, it's electric diesel or petrol. What mode of transport we take, active travel such as walking and cycling not only means that you're producing less pollution, and means you're exposed to less pollution, also means your fitness improves. So there's three benefits from one simple step.

Symbiosis Between Polluted Air, Health, And Tech Development

October 24, 2018
polluted air affect our health

Air pollution has lots of effects. But I think the thing we worry about most is the shortening of life and reducing people's life expectancy. 

40 years ago we were thinking about this issue and began what was called a six-city study. And that study showed that people living in more polluted cities had the shorter life expectancy, who increased respiratory problems, but also through increased heart attacks, increased strokes.

As air quality has gotten better in those communities, we've seen that those people are living longer and have better health. 

Air pollution comes from combustion and we're burning fuels for produce energy, to produce heat, to drive our cars, all the things we think about in terms of our day to day life contribute to this.

An air potion is not independent of global warming issues. The same sources that are contributing to global warming are also causing air pollution in this country and in developing countries.

When you think about the need for increased electricity, cooking women being exposed, their children being exposed, heating using wood crop residues, dung, even automobiles congestion, building up in these developing countries needing to increase exposures. That we see in the news all the time now.

We have seen improvements in air quality over the past 40 years in the United States and Europe. And other developed countries too. This has been due to controls on automobile emissions, reductions in emissions from power plants, and other industries in increased fuel efficiency. And as air pollution gets better, even at these very low levels we have currently. 

We can see improvements in health in terms of extended life expectancy, reduced asthma attacks, reduced hospital admissions. That's it. We must take some action if we want to make our air fresh again.

Bathing With Cold Water Can Improve Our Health?

October 23, 2018

If you follow any productivity gurus, you've probably heard that you need to take cold showers in the morning. After all, not only will they wake you right up, but you're also promised a myriad of health benefits and everybody loves a good health.

Lifehack (whether these claims are actually true), it's still kind of a gray area. And also I have to say as someone who grew up in Florida and now lives in Montana. A cold shower is different depending on where you live. So, before you jump into that agonizingly cold shower, let's take a look at summer research.

One of the biggest problems with studying cold showers is that well people really haven't instead most health claims are implied. From studies of cryotherapy using cold water or air to treat a condition, or from things like people who repeatedly go swimming in cold water. But cryotherapy is really carefully controlled and those swimmers often stay in the water for over an hour. So it's hard to apply to your quick rinse before work. 

Still, that doesn't mean that there's zero evidence for cold showers because there is. It's just not very strong like take the claim that people make that those showers improve your immune system.

In 2016, a study published in PLoS ONE wanted to see if taking a quick cold shower in the morning would reduce the number of sick days someone took from work for 30 straight days. More than 2300 subjects took either a warm shower or a warm shower that turned cold for 30, 60, or 90 seconds at the end on average subjects. In all three of the cold shower, groups called into work 29% less than the warm shower group, roughly the same as one less sick day per month. But we don't know why since the research team didn't measure any biological markers.

Many of the participants didn't say that they felt an increase in energy and continued taking the cold showers after the experiment. But that's not enough to close the case. It's possible that their white blood cell count increased like what's been shown to happen with cold water swimmers. But again, a 90-second  rinse is a lot different from an hour in the water. Many people also swear that cold showers can boost mood. But the results there are maybe even weaker.

A 2008 study and medical hypothesis get referenced a lot as evidence for cold showers as an anti-depressive. But it's not really all that convincing, they hypothesized that cold water would activate your sympathetic nervous system. 

The system that does things like increase your heart rate and stimulate the release of endorphins which would elevate your mood. But it only had three data points, one of which was the author of the paper and none of them had symptoms that would diagnosed them with depression. Plus the biological markers, they expected to change were never actually measured. So really, we don't have any results to go off of to be fair.

The author did mention that in the paper, but at last the blogosphere still holds on to that antidepressant claim even though the article wasn't all that powerful. The thing here is you can't placebo a cold shower. You know, if you're getting one so it seems like maybe cold showers, get a lot more credit than they deserve based on the evidence that currently exists. 

A short one probably won't hurt you, but hey, let's do more research before we start making claims about reality and our bodies. Seriously, if you're looking for a research project, this sounds like a good one to try out. Couldn't be that expensive? It's cold water so even though cold showers might not be the key to making you more productive.

Thanks for reading my post. Don't forget to share this useful information to your friends, your family, your student. And also, share this to your social media like facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc. And bye :D

5 Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Extremely Dark Circles

October 22, 2018

Hi guys, meet again with me, Healthy Course Today. Now, I want to share something special. It's about Dark Circle. 

Dark circles is a very common issue and many of you requested to cover this topic. So today, I am not going to make just one, but five different remedies to get rid of dark circles. Because everyone doesn't have all ingredients, so you can choose the most feasible remedy.

Some people have dark circles naturally, but the cause of dark circles can be stress, less sleep & weak eyesight. So today I will tell you remedies to remove dark circles permanently. 

For the first remedy, you will need two tablespoon of cucumber juice. Add it in a bowl and then add 1 tablespoon almond oil. mix these ingredients properly. You have to apply this mixture under your eyes and leave it overnight. 

Let me clear one more thing, those people who wear glasses, they should use these remedies regularly. Because their eye muscles are not strong and they get dark circles more frequently. So they must use these remedies regularly. Do this daily for seven days to remove your dark circles. 

Let'ss make our second remedy. For this, you need two tablespoon of vaseline. And you will squeeze lemon juice in it. Apply this serum on your dark circles. You have to apply daily for three days. And it will remove your dark circles permanently. 

Now we will make our third remedy. This remedy is for those who have extremely dark circles. You need two tablespoons of baking soda. And you will add two tablespoon of milk in it as well. Make a thick paste and apply it on your eyes, and leave it on for 40 minutes. You have to use this remedy daily for 2-3 days, and your dark circles will disappear.

For the fourth remedy, you will need 1 tablespoon of coffee powder. Add two tablespoon of milk in it mix it well and make a thick paste. You can see the consistency of the mixture. Then apply this mixture on your dark circles for 30 minutes. Tthen wipe it off after 30 minutes. You have to do it daily for the next 10 days, and you will get rid of dark circles permanently.

And for the last remedy, it is very simple. Take a potato slice, you have to rub it on your dark circles. You have to do it daily for 2 minutes. And this remedy you have to use for the next five days. 

I hope these remedies will help you alot. If you haven't subscribe your email for my daily update yet, please do subscribe now. And don't forget to share this useful tips for removing Dark Circle, may be your friends also need this remedies. I will be back with another amazing post.

Junk Food Can Hack Our Brain. Really ?

October 20, 2018

Junk food: you know it's not healthy, but it's so good. And sometimes it's just too hard to resist. Did you know, the scientists have been trying to figure out why junk foods have so much power over us for a while. According to a study published yesterday at the journal Cell Metabolism, it probably has a lot to do with the fact that they're usually packed with both fat and carbs. 

The researchers found that the reward centers of our brains are more active when those nutrients are combined in a snack. Mice, for example, can stay trim if they're given either carbs or fat to eat, but they pack on the pounds if they're given the mix of the two. But it was less clear how that plays out in the brain, or how it applies to people. 

So neurologists and physiologists in Germany and the US set up a kind of food auction where participants bid for snacks, while the activity in their brains was measured with a fMRI. The calories and the various snacks were either mostly from carbs, mostly from fat, or from a mix of both. And the items were sized so that each category contained the same number of calories, to make them equal from an energetic perspective. 

The team also made sure that all the foods were similarly well known and liked in a previous experiment.  That way, the group couldn't prize any set of foods over the others. The participants consistently put higher bids on the combo foods, things like chocolate chip cookies and candy bars rather than things like nuts, cheese, or crackers. 

This willingness to shell out more for the foods that had both fat and carbs was associated with more of a response in brain regions associated with reward, like the top part of the striatum. The researchers suspect this may be because we have separate reward pathways for fats and carbs, both of which are simultaneously turned on by the combo foods. And they think this like simultaneous reward circuit firing something to our brains, just don't know how to handle. 

That actually makes sense if you look at our ancestors. For eons, people mostly ate one food group at a time, like when it became available fatty meat one day, sugary honey or berries the next. They didn't really have the option to do anything else because very few foods are naturally rich in carbs and fat. 

Agriculture made it easier to mix nutrient groups and meals, but it still wasn't until the last 150 years or so that we started actually making single food items that contain a dozen or more calories of each nutrient type. So for the vast majority of our evolutionary history, our brains simply haven't had to try to estimate the nutritional value of fatty, carb-filled foods. 

Researchers also discovered that were pretty terrible at making such judgments. when they asked participants to guess the calories in the snacks they were bidding on, they kind of failed when it came to the Carbee and combo foods. The researchers even identified a part of the brain called the fusiform gyrus - a long strip that's at the base of our brains - that's important for making these kinds of estimations. 

So if we can't have to make calories very well when carbs are involved, and we're getting a bigger reward from those fat carb combinations, that goes a long way to explaining why it's so hard for me to not eat more donuts when somebody brings Donuts into work. I'm not saying I resent you for bringing the donuts in, but it's just hard, ok? 

Even when they're not that good I keep eating up. Eventually, scientists may be able to use this information to better understand overeating and obesity. And hopefully, that means they can come up with ways for people to make better food choices, even when they're surrounded by lots of junk, as we so often are. 

Our next topic weirdly enough, it's about one of those rare natural foods that's rich in the carb and the fat department. African baobab trees produce fruits that have a starchy pulp and a fatty seed. So in a way that makes them like kind of a proto junk food, except that they're also packed with fiber and protein, so they're pretty healthy. The problem is, a new report out this week in the journal Nature plants found that many of the biggest and oldest baobabs - some of which have been feeding people for thousands of years - are inexplicably dying out. 

The international research team surveyed 60 trees across the globe, checking on their health, measuring their size, and taking wood samples to estimate their ages. Why you might think that you could just like count the rings like other trees, baobab can grow more than one trunk throughout their lives. 

These sometimes fuse together, creating what looks like one big trunk, but inside there are open spaces. And this complexity makes it really hard to date them - the baobab structure is so wacky that rings don't tell you very much. So the scientists relied on a special type of radiocarbon dating instead. 

In this method, you use a very small sample from multiple parts of the tree, and count the number of all the different types of carbon atoms, which can then give you a date estimate. The team found that many of the trees were more than a thousand years old, including one that was nearly 2500 years old, making it the oldest flowering tree on the planet.

But in a horrible and unexpected twist, they also discovered that nine of the thirteen oldest trees and five of the six biggest trees were dead or had at least one trunk that was dead. And those deaths all happened within the last 12 years. Scientists aren't sure why this is happening, although they suspect climate change might be to blame. 

With warmer temperatures and more droughts, the trees might be struggling to get enough water to support their large frames. But further research is needed to confirm that suspicions. so now the race is on to figure out exactly what's going on before we lose these iconic trees for good. 

And by the way, thanks for reading Junk Food Can Hack Our Brain. If you like it, and want to keep update to this blog post, just bookmark it (Ctrl+D).

Are Eggs Good As Weight Loss Food? The Fact You Didn't Know!

October 19, 2018

This time, Healthy Course Today will give you an important information about EGGS. Are eggs good for you, especially who doing the diet? This is a very common question we get because organizations like the American Heart Association has really demonized eggs for many years. They told people to stay away from them (eggs). So, to throw away that myth, we have to know what is the nutrient that contains in the egg.

Found in eggs and then we'll talk about a couple of the details that you need to know. And at the end of this post, I'm going to give you one of the major details that you must know about eggs because it may apply to you. 

First, start with the nutrient profile of the egg. So, when you look at an egg, what you're gonna find in there is, first of all, it has 77 calories, okay? This is very important for someone who's counting calories maybe on the ketogenic diet watching you know, how their food breakdowns are so 77 calories. 

Egg Nutrition Fact

It's rich in vitamins A, B, and D. It's also rich in antioxidants. It specifically lutein and zeaxanthin which are very important for eye health. These antioxidants have been proven to reduce macular degeneration and also reduce cataracts that people are getting as they age. High in antioxidants, it's also high in choline. 

Choline is very important for neurological health, brain health, so it's really great that is high in choline. And then, it also has a high amount of protein and good quality fats in it. As a matter of fact, the protein in the egg is about 6 grams and it's in an amino acid profile. That's considered to be one of the most perfect profiles for the human body. 

High in fats which is you know really great if you're someone who is looking to support brain health and neurological health and all areas of your health. So, the egg is going to support us and building muscle, it's going to support in neurological health, is going to support in eye health, and it also has different vitamins in there. 

When we look at the egg in its entirety what we essentially see above is that it is very very rich in nutrients and it is a high-quality food. Let's go ahead and talk about some of the other details that we must know. 

Can we lose weight with eating egg only?

First of all, weight loss. so the reason that eggs support weight loss is that eggs are a high satiety food. The reason they're a high satiety food is because they have fats, they have proteins, and they have carbohydrates. And when you look at the egg it's a very well-rounded meal and it really nourishes the body.

So, as you eat something that nourishes the body well, essentially you become full and you don't crave other food. So anyway, it supports weight loss in that way and there's many studies out there that show people who ate eggs in the morning versus other foods, they were able to lose weight.

How to determine the low and high quality of egg?

A high quality egg, you'll crack in the pan, it'll have a dark yellow yolk, it'll also be much thicker. The low quality egg will have a very light yellow yolk and when you crack in the pan, it'll just disperse in the pan almost like water. And so that's one of the ways you can really tell the difference. 

Now an organic pasture-raised egg is more expensive than others, so what I recommend if you don't want to spend the extra money to buy organic and pasteurized, then you just find a local farmer that you can get some eggs off of them because their chances are is that they are raising them well in that they are gonna be good quality eggs. 

If you can't buy organic pasture-raised eggs, at least find the local farmer to get them from. Now the other thing that we need to discuss about eggs is that many people say that they cause heart disease. And so you know I'm not going to discuss this in a lot of detail, I'm just gonna say that there's been no studies that correlate eggs consuming eggs and heart disease. There is also no studies that correlate eating eggs in cholesterol going up. 

Be Aware, Eggs can make an IgE reaction

Now. the last thing I'm gonna mention here is beware of this. And what I'm talking about is be aware of eggs. Then, what happens with eggs is, clinically we see eggs to be one of those foods that people are very sensitive to, and so let me break this down a little bit. 

There's an IGE reaction, is one of those reactions like a peanut allergy. You eat some peanuts, your throat closes up, and it's a bad deal, you run to the hospital, right?

An IGE reaction is a food sensitivity. This reaction is much more subtle, it'll come in ways of robbing you of your energy, making you feel very lethargic, it'll also come in the way of causing you to have bad diarrhea, and stomach cramps, okay?

So, many people are eating eggs and running to the bathroom and saying well I have irritable bowel syndrome and I don't know why. But it happens to be that maybe they ate the egg alone, but also eggs are found in many different foods and many different products. 

We really have to be aware of that. And so if you're someone who eats eggs and you notice any type of sensitivity reactions just be aware that you probably need to just cut them on your diet for a period of time and then you can introduce them back in slowly. 

Conclusion about egg can be killer solution for weight loss

So overall when we look at this whole topic of eggs, eggs are very very high quality food to eat, especially if you're falling late the ketogenic diet. They're very powerful. so make sure that you're incorporating some eggs in your diet unless you are sensitive. 

I think that is all I know about the correlation between Eggs and Weight Loss. Don't forget to share this post on your social media, and if you have any questions post in the comment section below. don't forget to subscribe your email. I would greatly appreciate that, and then check out the other post I've done here. You'll really love them and I'll see you in the next article. Okay?

Blood Glucose Level: Normal For Healthy And How To Maintain It

October 18, 2018
Photo on VisualHunt
Most of us understand the importance of a normal blood glucose level. If our blood glucose level goes very low, we might become unconscious. If our blood glucose level goes very high, we develop a problem called diabetes. Now, diabetes is a serious problem. It can cause damage to the larger blood vessels in our body. 

Diabetic patients have a very high incidence of heart attack, stroke, as well as amputation. But diabetes can also cause problems to the very small blood vessels in the body. So-called microvascular problems resulting in damage to the retina. Diabetics have a high instance of blindness. It can also cause problems with the very small blood vessels supplying the kidney. So diabetics have a high incidence of kidney failure.

What exactly is a normal blood glucose level or to put it in terms?

Let's use some ingredients as examples. Prepare a container containing 5 liters of water. Why must 5 liters? The reason is that the average person has about five liters of blood circulating around the body.

And also a container of glucose, a white crystalline powder, and you might be surprised to know that the amount of glucose that we would need to add to the container to give a similar concentration of glucose in our blood is only one teaspoon.

In fact, it's slightly less. It's about 4.5 grams. So, here's the glucose and if we add that to that container, the concentration in there is approximately the same as the blood glucose level in our blood right now. Now if we were to add another teaspoon full, the concentration of glucose now in that water is that of a diabetic.

So as you can see (if you also do that while reading this post), the blood glucose level is very tightly controlled and the difference between a normal blood glucose and that of a diabetic person is only an additional one teaspoon full of glucose. Quite surprising, really? 

How do we maintain normal blood glucose levels during the course of the day?

Many people are advised to eat small frequent meals throughout the day consisting or having as part of that meal, or snack a complex carbohydrate which releases glucose very slowly into the bloodstream. 

In fact, Professor Tim Noakes in his excellent book "The Real Meal Revolution" has suggested that actually there's no requirement for us to eat carbohydrates at all. And certainly, the liver has an amazing ability to manufacture glucose should it be required. 

Certainly, for people with type 2 diabetes, in which the main problem is too much glucose in the bloodstream, many experts believe that the way to tackle this issue is to eat meals which have a restricted amount of carbohydrate within them. 

Because all carbohydrates when they're eaten are digested and they have to enter the bloodstream as glucose, and as you can see it doesn't take very much glucose entering the bloodstream to turn a normal blood glucose level into that of a diabetic. So it seems sensible if you have a risk of diabetes, then to restrict the amount of carbohydrate that you're eating. 

We don't need there's no essential requirement for carbohydrates in fact. We can exist very happily with proteins and fats we don't actually need to eat carbohydrates. And as we know, the liver has an ability to manufacture glucose and release it into the bloodstream a process called near gluconeogenesis. 

So that's a normal blood glucose level, only one teaspoon in five liters gives a concentration of glucose which is equivalent to that of a normal person. It doesn't take very much more to tip one into a high blood glucose level the same as that of a diabetic, and so for those who are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes - in fact, some would say - for all of us. It's sensible to restrict the number of carbohydrates that we eat.

The Facts And The Myth About Flu Shots And Influenza Vaccine You Should Know

October 18, 2018

Everyone agrees that the flu is dangerous. And then last winter alone, over 80,000 Americans died from them. That's the highest in a decade. Wow.

Welcome to the Wednesday post. And now, Healthy Course Today will share about The Facts And The Myth About Flu And Influenza Vaccine You Should Know. I know this can be a polarizing topic but let's get through it together. Here's the list of white, everyone young or old should be getting the flu shot every year.

1. The flu shot is our most effective way of preventing the flu. And trust me you don't want the flu. body, aches, nausea, vomiting, high fevers, fatigue. keep in mind that also means missing school work and sometimes it takes patients weeks to recover from this.

2. The flu shot decreases the likelihood of developing complications from the virus. It's the complications that can kill. 

3. By you getting the flu shot you're supporting herd immunity. Essentially limiting the spread of the virus. The people who are most susceptible to the flu, the young, the old, those with weakened immune systems, they need you to get your flu shot to help protect them. By you getting a flu shot, you could be saving a life. 

And I also want to debunk the myths I hear most often when it comes to the flu shot.

1. One the flu shot is ineffective at preventing them. That is untrue. Yes, it's not a hundred percent effective. This is because we have to predict what the flu strain is gonna look like in February for flu season in September. But having the flu shot even 50% effective is still better than nothing. Here's something that not a lot of people talk about. If you get your flu shot every year consecutively, you actually get a better result from each of those flu shots.

2. You can get the flu from the flu vaccine. This is completely untrue. The flu vaccine is an inactivated virus. It physically can transmit the virus to you. If you got sick after getting the vaccine, you were gonna get sick anyway. It's the most common time of year to get the flu and remember, it takes a week or two for the flu vaccine to give you that protection.

3. By taking antibiotics I'll feel better quicker. That's not true. It's actually the opposite. Antibiotics work on bacteria, not viruses. By taking antibiotics when they're not necessary, you can create a whole host of other problems. Finally, I'll leave you off with a couple of interesting facts about the flu.

You could actually spread the flu before you have symptoms. Germs have to hang time. So if someone walks into a room, sneezes without covering their mouth, you walk in after them, you're gonna get hit in the face with those germs. 

I know many of you want to be proactive and keep your immune system and tip-top shape ready to fight off any virus that comes along. Thanks for reading this article. If you have any recommendations for topics or questions about something we talked about, jump into the comment section and as always stay happy and healthy.

3 Family Outdoor Activities You Must Do In Spring Time

October 16, 2018

After we discussed how the effect of going to the gym twice a day to the body in the previous post, Today I'm going to talk about three alternative activities you can do with your family. But honestly, let me just show you let's get outside one. The first activity that I recommend is bouldering. It's rock climbing only use five horizontally instead of vertically. You don't need any equipment, you don't need rock climbing shoes, you don't need to pay for gym membership fees. 

We don't need advice the only thing that you need is a big folder with good handholds and football to climb on or a nice rock face like we have around our place. But please be aware that don't ever do bouldering alone. Always take a buddy with you and stay safe. 

And never climb more than a foot or two off of the ground. Bouldering is a great family activity and that's why it's first on my list of recommendations. 

The second activity on my list is disc golf. It's much like regular golf only instead of using golf clubs, you use frisbees. These frisbees I got three for $20 at my local sporting goods store. And they come in all different ranges. 

You can use any sort of frisbee even from the dollar store. It doesn't matter all that much. Most communities have disc golf courses. But if yours doesn't just set up hula hoops in the park and it's a great time. 

Throw a couple frisbees in your backpack, head to the park, and it's for sure a fun day for your family. The objective is to get the disc in the cage with the fewest rows possible. You can keep track with your friends and keep score and whoever has the least amount of throws wins. 

The third activity I want to recommend is geocaching. Geocaching is like an extreme scavenger hunt. You can look up geocaches on your smartphone. There are free apps and people all over the world deposit geocaches and record them for us to find. It makes hiking and getting out in the great outdoors even more fun because you have a goal in mind. 

When you find a geocache, they're usually deposited in some sort of waterproof containers like an ammo box, or a plastic bottle of some kind. Inside the geocache, usually, you find a piece of paper and a pencil that you can look towards your name and a date that you were. There may be some toys or little tokens that you can look at that you always return back to the geocache. 

Feel free to add to the geocache, but you never take away from it. But this is really really fun activity for your family and that's why it's third on my list of recommendations this spring. My name is Bob  (admin of Healthy Course Today) and thanks for reading this post. Don't forget to hit the share button and subscribe your email for updates. 

Is Workout Twice Per Day Safe And Will Impact To Your Body ?

October 16, 2018

Is it good to go to the gym twice a day? In other words, double sessions like when you were in high school, a new room playing football and the coach wanted you to show up a month early and do double sessions for workouts. Now I as an admin of Healthy Course Today (HCT) hate to say it guys, but most of us aren't even training correctly. 
The first time, imagine going two times a day and not doing anything properly. 

There's a lot of people who are doing that. And I think an obvious mentality is more equals better and that's not always the case. When I would go to the gym twice a day and actually I'm going to be going twice today. 

The reason for that is when the workout is kind of long or kind of challenging and you want to break the workout up. In other words, you go twice a day to divide the workout rather than to double up on the workout. I hope that makes some sense. 

I do find that when I do my ab workout. And then let's say, I do legs and then I do shoulders. It does detract from the entire workout. Entirely because I'm tired, right? I've already spent my time with the ABS and the next thing you know, now I'm doing shoulders and now I'm doing squat. It's kind of a long session. 

So on a day like that if I have the time and it falls on a weekend I prefer to go twice a day. And that's something new for me as my volume has been picking up and I just wanted to make the experience of the gym more pleasant. So for me, it's actually more pleasant to go two times for about an hour than to stay there for a good hour-and-a-half that my performance keeps waning as I go. 

I think going actually twice a day would be too much if you were going to double up on the work. rather than dividing the work. So, in other words, go twice to divide. Don't go twice to double come up with a little bit of a better routine. So that you don't have to go two times a day because I think it's just too much of a calorie burn. 

It's too much of an energy burn. The energy that is expended emotionally and mentally while you're sitting on your couch is a lot different than the energy when you cross the threshold of that gym. There's a social interaction, the music is pumping, it's a heightened sense of stress if you will. 

So we try to avoid that two times a day, especially with a heavy workload. If you want to go to divide it and you feel that your performance is better like I just explained that I'm going to do, I think that's the only time that it would be smart for someone who's training to go twice a day.

So, how many times workout you will try a day? Choose your way wisely guys.

This Protein Bar's Fact Will Surprisingly You

October 13, 2018

For those of you who like body sports and build muscle, it must be familiar with protein bars. What is a protein bar? Protein bars are foods that have a dominant protein content when compared to other components such as carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins.

And today, I'm going to talk about the shocking truth about protein bars. Now when you go to a health of store or even a GNC, you'll see all these protein bars and maybe you think they're healthy. But, a lot of them contains soy protein isolates you don't want to consume that. First of all it's GMO. Secondly, it's very estrogenic and it's hard on the liver. 

It's not the type of soy that even the Japanese or Chinese actually consume. They do fermented soy, they don't do the soy protein powder. The protein bar creates a lot of problems for you. So that's number one, number two even worse! 

Protein bars are the same as sugar bars

These so-called protein bars are really sugar bars in disguise. I'm an average protein bar has about 20 to 29 pull our 30 grams of sugar per bar. That's a crazy amount! That is like insane amount of sugar. And it's it with GABA nectar, corn syrup, brown syrup, and you might think, oh yeah brown syrup is better than sugar. 

It's actually no! It's all the same. Fructose, Multi-dextran, evaporated cane sugar, that's crazy! So, if you combine this sugar with the protein, you're gonna spike insulin way higher than if you consume these separate. 

So, the combination of sugar with protein together exaggerated the spike in insulin. It's not a weight-loss thing. It's great if you want to gain weight but in an unhealthy way. I actually bought some when I was in my 20s. Trying to gain weight and you'd get these buckets. 

They're just loaded with protein and sugar high fructose, corn syrup tons of sugar. It's a great way to cause diabetes. And then the last thing that they have is synthetic vitamins. So they throw a bunch of synthetic vitamins and you think you're getting some great vitamins. They're all synthetic. It's crappy!

So, what I think that these protein bars are missing is the healthy fat. Because you want to consume a protein bar right with a meal not in between, but you want to add the fat. So, if they had protein with that, that would be the ideal scene but they're all low fat. They have like no fat, they combine the sugar. It's basically they should they should call them the insulin bars.


Many people think that protein bars have a good effect (just like Food Pyramid) especially for those who are on a carbohydrate diet. This opinion is not 100% wrong if they know how to be good at eating these foods. Instead of wanting to get the benefits, excess fat and liver disease obtained.

Food Pyramid Made Us Fat, Myth or Fact ?

October 12, 2018

In 1988 Oprah pulled out a red wagon, full of greasy animal fat to show her audience how much weight she had lost it was pyramid may have accidentally made our diets less healthy and quite possibly made the obesity and diabetes problem even worse. 

This is the story of how we got the food pyramid so wrong to address America's mounting obesity diabetes and heart disease problems.  And the report was widely credited with helping to save millions of lives.

So to whereas a host of carbohydrate-rich foods occupied the pyramids wide bottom layer. The message it sent was simple and clear: carbohydrates good fat bad. The food pyramid spread far and wide. It was in schools, on posters, in our homes, and on our minds. 

Most of the people believe that the food pyramid is good for healthy

It was the most widely adopted guideline for healthy eating in the history of the United States. Over a decade after it came onto the scene, a Gallup survey found that 82 percent of Americans believe the pyramid was the basis of a sensible, healthful eating plan. 

But despite the pyramids notoriety in years of educating the public about nutrition, Americans didn't seem to be getting any healthier obesity and diabetes were continuing to climb. 

So what was going on? 

Well, first of all it turns out that the food pyramid's use fat sparingly caution was an oversimplification from the start. Research today makes a pretty strong case that not all fats are created equal. And some fats are actually good. 

In fact two little good fat could actually be leading to heart disease and obesity. The very problems the food pyramid had been developed to prevent. And the problems with oversimplification didn't end there. 

The wide bottom of the pyramid gave many the impression that eating a diet with lots of carbs was good. Without distinguishing between complex carbs found in whole grains and oats, and simple carbs found in things like white bread and baked goods which her body quickly turns into waste-expanding sugar. 

The pyramid's authors actually knew this at the time. But they thought keeping their guidelines simple was important, so they left that part out. And the decision proved to be a fateful one. 

The Food Industry Reaction To Anti-fat Sentiment

The pyramids low-fat, high-carb recipe would end up contributing to a low-fat diet craze that was about to sweep the nation. Sensing the growing anti-fat sentiment in the 80s and 90s the food industry responded by developing thousands of reduced fat products. Yogurt, chips, meats, cheeses, and cookies. 

Compared to the late '70s, today we eat around 60 more pounds of grains and 30 more pounds of sweeteners every year. At the same time, we're eating up to 400 more calories per day in recent years. There are signs that perspectives are changing. 

In 2015 the official dietary guidelines eliminated its limits on cholesterol. And the American Heart Association has gradually revised its guidelines, and moved away from its strict guidance to lower fat intake.

The bottom line is that nutrition is complex. And despite collective efforts of some of the plantiffs best minds, the science of nutrition is still young and evolving. The number of annual studies on obesity and diabetes alone has risen from about 1,000 in 1960 to 44,000 in 2013. It's likely that more than a million articles have been published on dieting over the last 50 years.